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Webpage (tumblr) Artist StatementAshleyCruzLegacy.mp4Card_About_W.O.C_from_CCA.jpgCard_Ashley_Ross.jpgCard_Camille_Hoffman.jpgCard_Chloe_Borders.jpgCard_Claudia_Bernardi.jpgCard_Lucia_Ventura.jpgCard_Sabine_Belofsky.jpgCard_Yuri_Knighten.jpg

Women of Color from CCA

This project includes seven interviews of seven women of color, who are artists studying or teaching at CCA in 2018. It also includes an illustrated information card with a quote and a portrait for each of the women, an audio file about the project and a webpage. These were created during the fall semester of 2018 by Ashley Cruz. This project was for Legacy Starts Here: Oakland Campus, taught by Victoria Wagner.

Creator(s): Cruz, Christina Ashley
CCA/C subject: Work by students
Person(s) depicted: Ross, Ashley, Bernardi, Claudia, Knighte...
Status: Live|Last updated:February 6, 2024 2:14 PM
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